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Issuances By Year

15-15 Workplace Safety Training and Firearms Laws


WS 15-15

December 22, 2015

Basic Service

Expires:  Continuing



Career Offices
Employer Service
Financial Aid Call Center


Mike Temple
David Baggerly
Lucretia Hammond


Workplace Safety Training and Firearms Laws


Provide policy resulting from changes made by the Texas Legislature to state open-carry and concealed-carry firearms laws and regulations. 


During its 2015 session, the Texas Legislature changed state laws regarding firearms.  As part of these changes, the Legislature has allowed open-carry of certain firearms under specific circumstances and has prohibited public agencies from posting signage barring licensed handgun holders from the premises.  Workforce Solutions and the Gulf Coast Workforce Board, as the public workforce system and representatives of a public agency, are subject to this requirement.



Effective January 1, 2016, Workforce Solutions locations may not post signs barring licensed handgun owners from the premises.

Workplace Safety and Training

We want to ensure that Workforce Solutions locations are open, inviting, and safe spaces for our customers and our staff.   As a part of that commitment, we will put in place on-going and recurring workplace safety training for all staff members.

After discussions with the Regional Management Team and contractor management, the Board staff will procure and organize training to begin in January 2016.  The training will include creating and maintaining a safe workplace and conflict resolution and will be part of the regular and on-going training and development for all Workforce Solutions staff.   We will provide an update on training dates and schedules in January 2016.

In addition, the Board staff, along with Regional Management Team representatives and contractor management will also:

  • Begin regular and recurring visits to all Workforce Solutions locations to discuss workplace safety and hear staff concerns;
  • Foster relationships between Workforce Solutions locations and local law enforcement; and
  • Provide resources for security at Workforce Solutions locations.


Direct questions about this issuance to Kevin Rodney at

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