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Recruitment Strategies
Work In Texas
WorkInTexas.com is your Human Resource partner offering no cost services including job posting and advanced job matching to help you quickly find the best candidate.
Need ideas about how to Create a Better WorkInTexas Job Posting?
Job Fairs
Would you like to be able to meet, interview, and hire ambitious go-getters in one exciting setting? Would you like tens to hundreds of highly qualified job applicants vying for a spot in your company? Would you like to be able to choose from the cream of the crop to fill important roles in your company?
Then the job fairs that we plan and execute for our employers is exactly what you need!
Specialized Testing
Many tools and techniques are available for evaluating a job seeker's occupational skills, aptitudes, achievement levels and interests. Specialized testing is a valuable service available to employers to help when making employment decisions such as hiring, promotion, referral, and retention.
Contact Employer Services
To ask questions or request services for your business, please contact:
Workforce Solutions
Telephone: 713-688-6890