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Other Services

The Other Services industry provides services not specifically provided for elsewhere in the industry classification system. These services are primarily engaged in activities, such as equipment and machinery repairing, promoting or administering religious activities, grantmaking, advocacy, and providing drycleaning and laundry services, personal care services, death care services, pet care services, photofinishing services, temporary parking services, and dating services.

The Other Services industry subsectors in high-demand in the Houston-Galveston area are:

  • Commercial & Ind. Mach. & Equip. (ex. Auto & Electronic) Repair & Maintenance



 Absolute Change

 Percent Change

 Average Weekly Wages



 Other Services






Commercial & Ind. Mach. & Equip. (ex. Auto & Electronic) Repair & Maintenance







*Includes the following counties: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend,
Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, and Wharton.

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